Do you need an independent driving solution which will enable you to access a vehicle with specialist controls, whilst remaining in your wheelchair? Motability Foundation have added some very useful guidance. See below

The criteria for IDS can now be found here :

As a brief summary, Funding is for disabled people who have no alternative options available to them but to drive themselves, and will find the independent use of a vehicle essential to support them with one of the following:

  • Paid employment – you work for an average of 12 hours or more a week;
  • Perform a volunteer role – you perform volunteering work for an average of 12 hours or more a week;
  • Attending full-time education or training;
  • Caring for another person – you are responsible for the care of dependents, for example a spouse or child with disabilities, elderly relatives or young children, and the use of a vehicle is essential to provide the care they need.
  • In exceptional circumstances – you are in a situation not listed above but your circumstances make the use of a complex vehicle conversion essential for your everyday mobility. Consideration will be given to how long you have been using the Motability Scheme as well as frequent medical appointments where you are unable to use hospital transportation.

If a customer/potential beneficiary that you are working with is looking to get their decision reviewed, the detail on how to do this can be found here.